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Showing posts with the label Cancer

Multiple Myeloma

Breast cancer, The best fight is an early detection

Breast Cancer



What do i have to know abouth Lynch Syndrome?

How to detect breast cancer early

Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

Liver cancer.

Easy to smoke but hard to forget! Silva-Zúñiga LM 1 , Serafín-Pacheco AG 1 , Vega-Días EU 1 , Rivera-Chávez MJ 2 , Urzúa-González AR 2 Students of the Bachelor General Medicine, Department of Medicine and Nutrition, Division of Health Sciences, University of Guanajuato, Mexico. Coordinators of the Module of Internal Medicine of Phase II of the degree in General Medicine, Department of Medicine and Nutrition, University of Guanajuato, Mexico. Abstract In antiquity smoking tobacco was considered a healthy habit, it was even believed that it could cure diseases such as warts, pains, burns and more. Over time, their adverse effects were discovered, mainly as a result of studies of the twentieth century such as Framingham, where smoking is identified as the second risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Today it is known that not only has association with the aforementioned diseases, it also increases the risk of lung cancer, colon cancer, liver can